Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Going with the flow

 Photo by Hillary McCormack || Location: Bellwether 

Oh hello, I have not written a peep since November,  but I certainly have not been asleep!
Since then, I have said good bye to one part time job and hello to a new, much better suited one. I now work 2 days a week at Bellwether, a vintage consignment boutique, downtown Fredericton. I worked at a vintage consignment shop for almost 5 years before I stepped foot into the beauty industry, so working there really just feels so natural to me, I love it, and it compliments my short work week at the salon very well. The rest of my spare time, when not spending it with my husband and a select few friends, is spent working on my clothing collection.

 I started developing this line of clothing pretty much right after the college fashion show in April last year. Trouble shooting patterns and such, taking my time with it, letting it all come naturally in a way. Discovering what I do and do not want to make. I am proud of my self that I accomplished every last thing I set out to get done before I went away to Disney World for a wonderful week in December. I told myself to worry about everything else after Xmas, and I was so happy I was successfully able to take that (almost) month long break from design after months of slow fashion development.

 I pretty much got back on the productivity horse right after Xmas, but mental health demons got in the way on and off for a few weeks, as well as a few times this month as well. That aside though, this has been an extremely productive start to the year for Lunar Offerings. I have finished all of my patterns, have them labeled and organized, complete with a garment diary. I am now in the middle of sizing several patterns and mocking them up, which is taking some time, so I am glad my time management has been so good to accommodate things that take more time than expected. I will start the production of garments the first week of February and I can't be more excited!

 Also, I hired my awesome friend Tairie to redesign the Lunar Offerings logo for me, and she did not disappoint! I feel so happy that my logo translates exactly the way I want it to now. Feels good to be doubt free about it! It is so perfect and I am over the moon! ;)

I keep thinking about making a blog post, but it never ranks high priority on the to do list, but this one just came naturally, as everything else lately seems to be. I am starting to trust things to "come" to me more often. Trust my process. There is so much work behind the scenes to building a brand, and time can go by so fast, that I start feeling like I have nothing to show for myself in the moment, but really I am developing the back bone of my business, and I don't have to constantly feel pressured to have it happen a certain way, there is no laid out deadline, and it is not a race, so I am just going to continue to go with the flow.


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